Enjoy the Small Things

//Enjoy the Small Things

Enjoy the Small Things

Sometimes life can feel like a juggling act, especially when you are a mom. Being a mom is the hardest job on the planet, but as hard as it is there is nothing more rewarding than having that little person smile up at you. My son (Isaiah) is turning 2 this July and all I can do is wonder where the time has gone? It seems like just yesterday he was a newborn! I wish more than anything I could bottle every single moment of my time with him. We have become such a busy society, everyday it seems like we are running a race. Sometimes we just need to take a moment and enjoy the little moments because they go by so quickly. Being a mother and a musician I am often guilty of this. I try to do a million things at one time and get frustrated when I don’t have the time to get everything done that I wanted to. Life is so busy at times, but even in the business try and make time for the small things and enjoy the time God has given you.

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